Imagine this scenario. You have recently thought about starting an online internet marketing business. You have read all about how people are making lots of money and you want in on the action. You read all the GRQ (get rich quick) hype that:%$#146;s so prevalent out there. All you need, you're told, is a well designed website and a saleable product.
Well this seems like a no-brainer. After all you:%$#146;re willing to invest some cash. Everyone knows it takes money to make money. You already have a great product idea. All you need is the website. Through a recommendation you find out about this first class website designer.
You get together with this guy and he tells you he will build you a state of the art website for a mere $3000,00. You blanch slightly, but think of the, :%$#147;it takes money etc.:%$#148; You give him your product idea and all the information. He gives you that all encompassing universal brush off expression, :%$#147;no problem!:%$#148;
What was supposed to take one month to complete, takes three. Finally the day arrives and you behold your finished site. Spectacular! Now you feel you have the most beautiful site and the greatest product. All that:%$#146;s left is to sit back and watch the bucks roll in.
A week passes, no sales. Two weeks nothing. Three weeks nil. Four weeks, nada. Your friend suggests talking to a guy he knows that has a successful online business. You call the guy and give him the details. The first question he asks, :%$#147;what methods are you using to generate traffic to your site$%::%$#148; Duh! Yep , the webmaster who created your gorgeous site forgot to inform you of that little detail.
If this sounds like you , you:%$#146;re not alone. I know people this happened too. There are many cases where marketer wannebes start an online business with no knowledge of the importance of traffic generation.
One very effective and inexpensive way to generate this traffic is through article marketing. By writing articles for sites such as You can bring lots of exposure to your site. It:%$#146;s highly likely they:%$#146;ll have a category for your product or one closely related.
You can write articles promoting your website, as most articles sites allow you to include a link to your site at the bottom of your article page. The more articles you write the more traffic you:%$#146;ll generate.
Publishing directories are always searching for quality articles. By submitting to article directories you are giving permission for your articles to be published by others, a good thing. When publishers reprint your articles it can lead to much more exposure to your website. Try this highly successful technique for acquiring more traffic.
To learn more about internet marketing and many other skills necessary for a profitable internet business, click here: [] You:%$#146;ll receive an ebook, :%$#147;15 Steps to Internet Success,:%$#148; and a series of lessons about topics much like this one. Trust me, you will learn a lot, no matter how long you have been marketing. Just do it!